Assorted Days Out on Two Wheels
I don’t only undertake long touring rides. I like to try and do a good few long days in the saddle a few times a year in order to build up my annual mileage figures and also to keep myself used to those longer rides.
I’m not going to write about every such ride here but will write about some selected day trips.
Cycling to the roof of England - In the summer of 2021 we made a rather big change to our lives and left the South Coast for Teesdale in County Durham. Since moving here I’ve made a few explorations up some of the bigger cycling hill climbs that I have ever done. I’ll write about some of those trips later, but with […]
My first 200km (A Greatest Hits Ride) - I’ve ridden 100km a number of times now; and even ridden 100 miles on a small handful of occasions in the past. However I’d never extended the distance to the mystical 200km (124.27 miles). As Spring started turning towards the Summer of 2019 I was feeling inspired to put this “right”. The blame/credit for this […]
To Eynsford after Coffee with a Dame - The back end of November was approaching and I felt the need for what would likely be one last long, full day’s ride of the year. I’d taken the Wednesday off work and had a route planned to take me Northwards. I’d heard that Eynsford was a nice place to visit and I calculated that […]
Exploring around the Midlands - 2 Days Exploring Enigma and Eleanor Just a few days after my visit to Dante’s Inferno and I was looking at adding a few more miles to my September itinerary. My other half was attending a conference at Cranfield University, a few miles east of Milton Keyes, and I was going up as well to […]
Dante’s Inferno… - …and Deal A few weeks after coming back from my ‘Four War Tour‘ in Belgium and France and I was ready to tackle my next big day ride. I wasn’t planning on anything too adventurous and nothing that would take me far from some of regular riding routes. The aim for the day would be […]
Around West Sussex - …with a foray into Surrey… In between my ride to Portsmouth and my upcoming “grand” summer tour, I had a spare Saturday and was keen for another good day’s touring. The Portsmouth ride had taken it out of me. It had incapacitated me for two days and I was desperate to have a more […]
To Portsmouth - I’ve ridden to Portsmouth once before; quite early on in my return to cycling as a warm up and test before I set off on my first tour along the Avenue Verte. That ride remains one of my longest day rides. I’ve not done many 100+ miles routes since and so, in preparation for another […]
Riding with the Mini Beast - A two week break from the bike through illness at the end of February had already made me consider curtailing what had been my original plans for a long mid March ride around the Kent coast. I decided on a starting point in Ramsgate rather than in Margate as I had originally targeted, cutting about […]
To Wales - Back in October I head a two day work conference to attend in Cardiff. For a short while I did consider if I might be able to ride all the way from home in Sussex, but I soon realised that would be a two day trip and involve lugging a lot of extra luggage on […]
To Essex - About a month after getting back from my ‘All Points North‘ ride around the Highlands and to Orkney I was ready to get back out for a solid day trip on the bike. I’d done a few commuting rides since but was itching for something a bit longer. It had turned out that riding across […]
Hants, Wilts and Dorset - With another big multi day ride looming in a few weeks I had booked a Wednesday off work with the aim of spending it in the saddle getting in some practice. After my previous successful trip around the Isle of Wight I was up for the idea of spending another day where I get up […]
Around the Isle of Wight - To date all of my longer (100km or more) one day rides have never taken me too far. I have kept firmly within Kent and East Sussex. They might not all started or finished at home, but at worst have only involved a short train ride or drive at the start or end of the […]
Kent Triangular Ride - Until now I’ve only used this blog for writing about my multi day touring rides but never for any of my longer single day journeys. I like to do a few rides each year where I take a day off work and just spend it in the saddle. These rides are usually somewhere down here […]
On Yer Bike - So then – now that I have a half marathon to start preparing for what to do I choose for my first serious training session? A bike ride of course. During my ‘year off’ last year, as my ankle slowly started to recover I started to dig out my bike a bit. For five years it […]